Friday, March 1, 2013

Petits Fours

Bow is becoming quite the gourmet. He has a delicate palate and samples foods that I have barely even heard of, much less eaten.

Yesterday, when it was time to pick an item from the gift basket, it was the petits fours that jumped out at us.

I did not know exactly what they were, but the bottom of the box said petits fours.

Bow was quite eager to sample them, but he had good manners, and he ate with great delicacy, savoring every bite. Not knowing exactly what he was eating, I was very curious and tried to get a look at the inside of the petit four after he had taken a bite. Bow was quite accommodating, willing for me to look. However, he did not offer me a bite. When he was done, he willing relinquished the box.

I think Bow may have a career ahead of him as a food critic. People from all around the globe can send him luxury foods to sample, in return for his unbiased, but expert opinion.


  1. So cute Aya...he was checking the box to make sure there weren't any hidden candies:) lol

  2. Thanks, Kelly. It's true. He wanted to make sure he had eaten them all up. But he was happy to give me the box once he was sure it was empty. He's not one of those sentimental hoarders.
